Shinsetsu Mahou Shoujo Third Partial English Fan-TL (Chapter 1 to 34)


Greetings, after roughtly two more months working on this project with ticonderoga67, today we bring you the third partial translation for Shinsetsu Mahou Shoujo into English, which covers up to chapter 34.

Are you enjoying it so far?

Did you manage to reach chapter 26 in these past few months?

Out of curiosity, do you usually lose some units every battle? From chapter 13 onwards achieving a "deathless" run gets tricky, but since there's no permadeath at least you don't have to force yourself to keep everyone alive via save-scum in case you're just trying to get to the end of the story.

Here are the links to Tyconderoga's blog and the DOWNLOAD link.

For those who just learned about this project, Shinsetsu Mahou Shoujo is a VN/SRPG hybrid. I already wrote about what kind of story it is in the post I made for the first partial, and gave some tips for the gameplay portion in the post of the second partial.

For this third post I wasn't sure what else I might possibly say without going into spoilers. I was pondering it and remembered that I often meet people on the internet who get frustrated when they miss stuff while playing a game. Therefore, I decided to take advantage of this post to share a list of the optional events of each battle/chapter (up to chapter 34) and how to trigger them. I'll try to keep spoilers to a minimum but try not to read the trigger conditions until you've already won the battle for the first time, as some spoilers are unavoidable.

In the subject of optional content, almost every chapter has optional extra scenes in the "events/info" section, at the pre-battle menu.

----------------------------------(Spoilers ahead)--------------------------------------

Chapter 1-1 (In Haruka's dream)

Don't kill the monster in your first turn to see a little event the moment you end your turn (if playing on Novel difficulty the enemy will die in one hit)

Chapter 1-2 

 Let the three policemen die.

 There are events the first time Chiyoko and Haruka receive damage.

Chapter 2

 Akari fights the bird type enemy at her left.

 Akari's HP goes below 20.

Chapter 3

 Kozue's HP goes below 32.

Chapter 4:

 Nanami's HP goes below 25.

 Chiyoko's HP goes below 21.

 Chiyoko fights one of the rat type enemies at the bottom-right group (the one rat that starts closer to the player's group)

Chapter 5:

 Lily figths the bird type enemy just in front of her.

 Lily's HP goes below 13 without her getting knocked out by the same attack.

 Lily get's knocked out before turn 10 (In turn 10 she gets automatically knocked out and you miss this event).

Chapter 6:

 Sakuya's HP goes below 20.

 Sakuya attacks any enemy.

Chapter 7:

 Kaori and Shinobu stand next to each other.

 Kaori's HP goes below 20.

 Kaori uses her support skill to soundproof Lily.

Chapter 8:


Chapter 9:

 Youko's HP goes below 31 after turn 3 (It will trigger at the beggining of turn 4 if she's already below 31 HP).

Chapter 10:

 Kotone's HP goes below 29.

Chapter 11:

 None. Isn't really optional but there is one the first time Imari moves far from the hospital.

Chapter 12:

 Yui's HP goes below 27.

Chapter 13:


Chapter 14:

 Shinobu's HP goes below 50%.

 Yuuki's HP goes below 25.

 Hiyoris' HP goes below 28.

 Do not win before turn 5 (If playing in Novel difficulty you may end up beating the map before this event)

Chapter 15:

 Kotone's HP goes below 30.

 Luna's HP goes below 24.

 The special enemy HP goes below 53 (If playing in "Novel" will trigger immediatly after that enemy pops up)

Chapter 16:

 The special enemy fights Chiyoko (AOE attacks don't count)

Chapter 17: 

 Haruka uses her new skill.

Chapter 18:


Chapter 19 (First Half):


Chapter 19 (Second Half):

  Telomere's HP goes below 30.

Chapter 20:

  Telomere is knocked out.

Chapter 21 (First Half):

Chapter 21 (Second Half):

  Kanon's HP goes below 30.

  Kanon gets knocked out.

  Yui uses her new skill.

Chapter 22:

  There's a slight variation on Yoneko's dialogue immediatly after the battle depending if you manage to save all the the cops or at least one dies

  There are ally reinforcements up to turn 8. It's possible to win before that if playing in "Novel".

Chapter 23 (First Combat):

  Place any unit over the tile with an alien-like circular structure at the north-west (Kanon is the one that can reach faster. Telomere can too, but you may need her to win fast). This will unlock an extra "Events/info" event in chapter 27.

  Make Akari fight the Humanoid enemy in direct combat (anything but AOE).

  Telomere's HP goes below 30.

  Turn 12 arrives before you win (Event in wich Telomere leaves, it'll not trigger if she's been defeated)

  There are some extra lines at the end if you manage to win before turn 12.

Chapter 23 (Second Combat):

  If you won the first battle before Telomere had to leave, reinforcements will arrive at turn 14. It'll be turn 18 if you didn't. The scene is the exact same.

  Moka loses 33% of her HP.

Chapter 24:

  No battle.

Chapter 25:

  Shiori's HP goes below 38.

  4 of your units get knocked out.

Chapter 26: 

  During the second battle there's an event for the first battle with every "enemy" unit.

  There's a slight difference in the first lines after the battle if you win.

Chapter 27:

  If you found the alien thingy from chapter 23 First Half there will be an extra event, "Mysterious Object", at Events/info

Chapter 28:

  Yui uses her newest skill..

  If you forgot to activate the "Mysterious Object" event at "events/info" in chapter 27, you can do it in this one.

Chapter 29:

 Telomere is knocked out.

 Kohakus's HP goes below 25.

Chapter 30:

 Deploy both Yuuki and Kohaku for an event at turn 3.

 Deploy Luna for a short event when the bee leaves the enclosed area.

 Sayo's HP goes below 30.

 Move an unit to the left side, Shinobu will sense something close by.

 Pick the item at the northwest corner. (Fun fact: If you replay this map from the postgame screen you'll get a different item)

Fun fact: This is how the event for deploying Yuuki went in the original Mahou Shoujo. It's slightly different from Shinsetsu and has extra lines at the end:

 Kohaku: I'm scared...! Big bro Yuuki!

 Yuuki: Are you alright?

 Kohaku: Hold my hand...

 Shiori: Kohaku... I'm feeling like having a break up with you.

 Luna: Yuuki, are you and Kohaku acquaintances? Or is she your girlfriend?

 Shiori: ...

 Yuuki: She's my chihood friend.

 Shiori: I'll protect Kohaku. Nii-nii, you go help the others.

 Haruka: .... (What a fun relationship they have)

 Kohaku: Unnngh... It's dark... and humid.

 Kaori: Stop complaining already.

 Shinobu: Aren't there people who can't sleep while in complete darkness? How about you, guys? Someone here can't do it?

 Mao: That would be just Kohaku. Ah, Shiori can't sleep unless she's in bed with someone else.

 Yuuki: That's right, and if you sleep before her she wakes you up...

 Kohaku: That time I went to spend the night in your house, I was hearing her say "Are you awake?" all the time. It was a terrible night...

 Shiori: Kohaku, we aren't friends anymore.

 Kohaku: -----

 Luna: I have some problems to sleep in total darkness too...

 Imari: You, Luna? I though you were the one with the strongest nerves here...

 Luna: It's hard to sleep because I'd keep having erotic fantasies non-stop.

 Moka: (What's wrong with this kid...?)

Chapter 31 (First Battle):

 In this chapter is just impossible to get all the optional lines the first time since some characters have different lines according to the battle they're deployed at.

 The character that have extra lines in the first battle are: Chiyoko (beginning), Haruka (end), Kohaku (beginning), Kanon (end), Kotone (end) and "Youko AND Yoneko" (both together, beginning)

Chapter 31 (Second battle): Don't forget to check "Events/Info", I forgot the first time.

 The character that have extra lines in the second battle are: Kotone (one short event at turn 4 if she's not been knocked out), Chiyoko (beginning), Sayo (beginning, if Sayo is deployed Luna will have one line less), "Youko AND Yoneko" (beginning).

 Reina's HP goes below 28.

Chapter 32:

 Deploy Lily.

 Yui fights the bird type enemy at the bottom-right.

 There's an short game over event in case a bee type enemy reaches the city.

 Yui and Telomere get in colliding tiles.

Chapter 33:

 The burrow is still alive at turn 7.

Chapter 34:

 (First battle)

Yui's HP goes below 35.

 (Second battle)

        Both Lily and Haruka have lines the first time they engage in combat during the second half.

That's all for the moment. I will add more for the next posts.

I'm translating this VN/SRPG as a hobby, and because I would like to have fellow readers to talk about it with. So, I would appreciate any comments. If you don't want to create a Blogger account just to comment, you can do it at this  Twitter account or this reddit account.


  1. Heya. Thanks for the TL effort!

    That's all ;)

  2. Thanks for the cheers, it's a pleasure to share this story with as many people as possible.

  3. If you're still interested in comments about the game - here's mine up to currently Chapter 23. Also, for everyone else: some SPOILERS, I guess, maybe.

    I guess there's three things to talk about really. First, the easy bit; translation. Seems fine to me ;) Reads nicely, feels very seamless.

    Second, the plot and characters. It starts very genre-typical - "oh, something is attacking, quick, recruit a bunch of far too young girls as the only hope to defend world peace" - but the characters make it work. Especially the weird lead girl is quite entertaining. I also like the various justifications by the "mascot/aliens" why specifically everything is as it is (weight limit teleportation and expenses and rare potential and whatnot); it's good "technobabble", and in fact their ethics kinda remind me of Star Trek "prime directive" too (and I do like that while they might be a little shady they do seem to have genuine morals).
    After the initial recruitment phase, and the big shock of the special enemies and the extreme deliberate sacrifice being made the story sometimes felt a bit dull to me, or like there's really very little progress being made. There's some good emotional growth, but it takes a bit until we finally learn a bit more about what the heck is going on - but then it's back to recruiting even more characters, and by Chapter 23 you really have no solid idea about anything to do with the enemy (I do have a guess, but it's a guess that's not justified by anything actually presented in the story ... ^^).
    Sometimes the writing gets a bit "too Japanese" for me. Yesyes, I'm growing old, and suddenly I'm kinda "meh" on having an exhibitionist 10? 12?-year old kid. I mean, can't she be a few years older at least? Would that really hurt? ;) ... I also tend to be really annoyed at everyone nagging Kotone, and some of the girl/boy stuff can feel a bit dated, too. None of it is a big deal, just sorta the whole "yeah sure it's Japanese stuff alright" feel.

    1. The gameplay of course must follow the game engine being used, so I can't really say how much can be reasonably done with it. Initially I quite liked it, especially the big discrepancy being attacking and defending - you really want to be the one attacking. But as more and more characters joined I also felt the fights got to be a bit of a chore; there wasn't anything too interesting going on. I honestly was a bit worried about losing interest. Ironically, I'm now at Chapter 23, and I'm a bit worried it immediately went from too easy to too difficult (for me anyway, I'm sure for some players this map is also very easy) ... my first try ended up in a standstill, actually, as I had nobody with Mana left to damage the enemy, but the enemy didn't have any attacks left either. It's relevant because it leads me to what I don't like about the battles: you are very obviously signposted towards using weak units/abilities to fight your way to tough enemies, then using certain specific characters with big attacks to take them out. Okay, but as Chapter 23 shows, if you just miscalculate early on, and then lack just little Mana at the end, well, that's it; you won't do even 1 damage, it'll just be 0 damage. And since the "mistake" was using too much early, you gotta redo the entire map. And that makes me want to play super cautious, which isn't fun (like playing an RPG and never using your potions because you *might* need them...). I'm a little bit worried if all battles will continue like that, especially since you can't really decide to "grind" if you feel you gotta catch up a bit or something (I always like to at least have the *option*).

      Overall, I think it's VERY impressive for an obscure indie game. There's worse games you can buy on Steam ... in any case, I'm interested in continuing to play and finding out what the heck is going on. But also, not infinitely so; so hopefully it won't get too difficult and, yeah, maybe something a bit more about the enemies sometime soon wouldn't go amiss (though the mascots already explained there's even more people they want to recruit, sigh ^^).

      (comment was too long)


    2. First of all, thanks for your comments.

      About the story's slow pace. The development of the main plot is indeed slow. This is a character focused story, being the plot something closer to a complement for the development of the characters themselves. In this sense, its structure is similar to tokusatsu series (Kamen Rider being the main inspiration for this story), emphasizing the interactions between characters while the background plot moves very slowly (I haven't seem kamen rider but I read somewhere about it). That said, the plot will move faster and faster the closer you get to the end, so don't worry about getting bored.

      I too found it a bit annoying that they tease Kotone so much.

      About Luna, I was a bit shocked at first but, overall, I found her quite funny (I've read too much eroge to be disturbed by this kind of character).

      On the difficulty (I'll assume you're playing in “real”), that you made it to chapter 23 without major problems deserves praise. Most people who play this game start to notice the difficulty at some point. Chapter 23 is tricky because it forces you to plan your moves and positioning well in order to win quickly. In my first game I had to restart the map at chapter 8, and then at chapter 13. My first time in chapter 23 was the same as yours, and it was also a pain to have to replay it, but managing to beat it made me feel good about myself for taking my time to think my movements. The key is to explore your options (Hiyori's support ability is very useful to prevent units with low mobility from falling behind), take advantage of enemy weaknesses (for example, use Youko against horses, Akari against spiders and Nanami against birds, frogs and rats) and don't spend MP when it's not strictly necessary (sometimes it's best to kill enemies with several 0-cost attacks to save MP). Using Mao to lure enemies in small groups is also advisable.
      It is also worth noting that, although the damage your units receive from a counter-attack is halved, it's not the same for the enemies. Often it's better to let the enemy strike first in order to weaken them with your counter-attack, so that you can defeat them in your turn.

    3. MP management is important in general, but it's especially hard in chapter 23's first battle, since you only have Telomere, as a very strong unit, and Yoneko to lower the humanoid's defenses. It's not that you have to play conservatively, in fact the presence of the burrows greatly penalizes that play style, encouraging you to advance quickly. The key is not to use MPs indiscriminately (for example, instead of using a 5-8 cost skill to kill an enemy in one hit, you can use a 2 or 3 cost ability and give him the finishing blow with another unit's basic attack. Non-special enemies suffer a reasonable amount of damage from 0 cost attacks).

      As you guessed, in this game it is crucial that you make the most of all your units, as this is how the author intended it. He's not a big fan of SRPGs that don't make good use of their units by allowing you to win with only one or two strong units that take all the experience at the beginning. The MP management system is his way of forcing players to use their heads a bit more and take advantage of all the resources/units he's giving them. In my case this difficulty made me feel satisfied with each victory, in contrast to when I passed the maps of some fire emblem with only the protagonist and one or two other units. Advancing only with the strongest ones isn't an option, as they don't have enough MP to win by themselves, and enemies hit too hard to go win only with basic attacks.

      I suggest starting each turn by moving the units that are farthest from the front to check how they can contribute in the current turn. Maybe one of them is close enough to hit some enemy, so you would avoid wasting the turn of a unit at the front, giving it the opportunity to advance further ahead.

      I don't remember any other map where they take away most of the units with strong penetration skills (purple), so as long as you keep enough MP in those units, what happened in chapter 23 won't happen again.

      About having many recruitment chapters, there's a point were most recruitments start taking place off-camera, as optional events... Also, in time you will be grateful to have all those units.

      If it gets too difficult you can always set it to “novel” difficulty in the information menu (Though, as an extremist, I think this takes away from the experience). However, as an extremist, I consider that making things easy decreases the immersion. The whole point is that the hardships the characters are going through in combat get transmitted to the player as well.

      You can also take advantage of the "return match" item to keep the experience gained in combat even if you lose, and grind some levels (you have to buy one every time though).

    4. Haha, thanks for the praise. Yes, I'm playing on "real" difficulty. It's far from my first SPRG so I assumed it'd be okay, even if I don't think I'm that great at SPRGs (I'm certainly not somebody who thinks 2-3 turns ahead precisely...). The cave battle with the turn limit was the only one I remember where I felt that maybe could have gotten wrong before Ch.23, but it turned out quite okay. I do often lose 1-2 units, maybe sometimes 3, but eh, that's far from defeat normally.

      Anyway; I'm impressed you remember the individual chapter fights so well, but maybe I shouldn't be what with the translation project and such xD Yes, first try I think I split the team up badly - it took me 2-3 more tries just playing the first few turns to get it right, then it worked out quite smoothly (even if I only just barely managed the 10-turn bonus goal).

      First attempt stupidly I couldn't even have used the "return match" item because the actual problem wasn't the humanoids, it was those "silver spiders". And none of my units had any MP left to do any damage to them, but then the spider couldn't kill all my units either, so I was just stuck doing 0 damage and the AI doing nothing, which meant I couldn't lose the fight but couldn't win it either. Theoretically I could have grinded infinite EXP ... though not sure it'd have been any use (also I don't do exploits like that; might as well just cheat then ^^).

      Either way, yes, it worked out okay next try and the other battle in that chapter wasn't too difficult again. Was nice to have a bit of a non-fighting chapter after that; now I'll see what the rest until ch.34 has to offer (well, I'll be taking my time ^^; ).

    5. Silver spiders are very annoying at first, forcing you to use special attacks. Akari can do a lot of damage to them with her 5 MP cost skill.

      With so many test games I had to play for the Spanish version I must have cleared each map at least seven times (and the first twenty or so chapters even more times). I remember almost exactly what happens in each chapter, conversation by conversation.

      Feel free to keep sharing your experience here, on my twitter or reddit posts. I love talking about this game.

  4. Hey there, first I wanted to say thank you very much for translating this, I'm enjoying it very much. Now, I want to point that the fight at chapter 8 gets completely skipped upon starting (when clicking after the objective is shown it just goes straight to the after-battle scene. Wasn't a problem for me because I was able to move the save to the Spanish version of the game, do the fight there and move the save back to the English version but I wanted you to know. I don't know if this is an error on my end but if it isn't other people might be missing that one or other fights. Saludos!

    1. Thanks for the warning, you were right. For some reason, the end-combat event trigger condition had been erased. I have fixed it.
      Also, glad to know you're enjoying this game.


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