Shinsetsu Mahou Shoujo First Partial English Fan-TL (Chapter 1 to 15)
Greetings, today I bring you the first partial English translation of Shinsetsu Mahou Shoujo, an indie visual novel/SRPG hybrid from TS (author) . TS is a veteran of Japanese indie games who has been releasing game after game since the beginning of this century, all of which he has done as a solo artist. "Shinsetsu Mahou Shoujo" is a remaster of "Mahou Shoujo", his fifth game. As someone who has played all of his old games the change to SRPG Studio from Simulation RPG Maker 95 is greatly appreciated. These last weeks I have been working on this project with ticonderoga67 (who has been in charge of redrawing and editing). This first partial covers up to chapter 15 of the main story (end of act 1). VNDB (Shinsetsu) Mahou Shoujo DOWNLOAD Link (Mediafire) For those who are interested in knowing what kind of story it is, I will give a spoiler-free opinion. A character-driven story with very good gameplay-story integration: To make it very simple, Shinmahosho is the s...